2024 Summer Camps: Ages 9+
March 25, 2024: JUST ANNOUNCED!
A limited number of Summer Camp openings are now open for Pre-Registration! Use the link below and you will know within the week if your child has a spot. *July 15th -19th w/ Kathryn & Sophia Assaunt *July 29th - Aug. 2nd w/ Kathryn & Owen Coursin *August 19th - 23rd (9-12 year olds) w/ Kathryn & Sophia Assaunt Camps are from 9-3 and limited to 8 campers. Overview: Campers will spend half their day on the wheel and the other half on hand building projects. Thursday morning campers will learn/help load into the kiln any greenware ready for the bisque fire, and they will finish constructing final projects. Friday, if the kiln is ready, we will all unload the bisque fire, wash, wax and glaze pots for the final glaze fire. Tuition includes instructors finishing any trimming, bisque firing, glazing and glaze firing student work after camp ends. Testimonials"Thank you all around! The pieces are beautiful! Your camp is an inspiration!" Hartsbrook Parent, 2023
"August was just mentioning the other day about how Cycle Pottery is his favorite summer camp." Summer Camper parent * Letter from a parent in response to the camps being cancelled in 2020: Hi Kathryn, I've been in denial (and mourning) about the loss of the camp. CyclePottery has been a part of Sepha's life now for 3 or 4 years in a row. It's always one of her favorite camps every summer. It's disappointing that it's been cancelled, though we completely understand why. I hope that the studio is able to maintain itself without the funding you get from camps and that you're able to keep doing your amazing work as a sculptor, teacher, and community builder. Warmly, --A'Dora |